October 2009 Hot Button Winners

Congrats to our
October 2009 Hot Button of the Month Winner!

October's Hot Button of the Month Contest Winner is�Sean-Michael Fleming from Woodbine Street Garden in Brooklyn, NY. "Woodbine Rocks Love Your Block" buttons were used to boost participation in a contest hosted by the Citizens Committee for New York City and the New York City Mayor's Office called "Love Your (NYC) Block."

"Our block association's project entailed refurbishing and replanting over 40 street planters and 40 tree beds - all disguised as a major block party complete with a deejay and barbeque," said Sean-Michael. "The envent was a huge success, and while our block was not the grand prize winner, everyone who participated really was a winner!"

Sean-Michael noted that by the day's end, the block looked fantastic and was alive with neighbors working together and having fun. "We also used buttons at the event to thank volunteers - everyone loved them!" Sean-Michael said. You can view a mini-movie thanking event participants at http://www.WoodbineGarden.org. As the Hot Button of the Month winner, Sean-Michael received a $100 Badge-A-Minit gift certificate.
Congratulations to our October 2009 Hot Button winners! Each Hot Button winner received a coupon for 10% off their next purchase at Badge-A-Minit.com. Their entries are shown below.

Now that ghosts and goblins have given way to turkeys and pilgrims, it seems as though winter is in the air. As you take to spending more time indoors, we invite you to take the time to submit your favorite button designs and ideas to our Hot Button contest. Everyone loves seeing the monthly winners and getting new ideas, so please don't be afraid to share! You may submit as many buttons as you like, so keep the entries coming!
I Count, Do You?
It's almost Census time again (where do the years go?)! Patrick Patterson from The Family Tree in Tallahassee, FL, designed this button when his organization partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau for the 2010 Census Campaign in Tallahassee. The campaign theme is "Be Counted!" and the button will be given to volunteers as well as those being counted to remind everyone how important it is to be counted - and counted correctly - to have full representation in Congress and for other important reasons. "This is one of many promotional items within the partnership campaign," Patrick noted. We think it's an awesome part!
Too Cool for Drugs
Debra Rankin from Waynoka Public School in Waynoka, OK, submitted this positive reminder button. "I made these buttons for my kindergarten students in observation of Red Ribbon Week at our school," Debra said. She used the school's mascot, the Railraider, and the students loved them! They were very proud to wear them and be drug-free.
Owls Are Back!
Gabrielle Matte from Quebec, Canada, submitted this button just for fun because "owls are cute." She noted that all who wear this button can't help but have a smile on their face. We agree!
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