For Halloween this year, hand out buttons instead of candy to your trick-or-treaters. The buttons will last longer than the candy, and they won't cause cavities!
Create your own Halloween button design to wear with your costume to parties, or during trick-or-treating hours. You can use your artistic skills and draw something unique. We also offer many Halloween designs in our catalog that you can choose from - color-me designs, name tags, and humorous Halloween sayings.
As an activity at children's birthday or school Halloween parties, have the kids make their own buttons as part of their take-home gifts.
Pin pumpkin buttons (or other scary designs) to goodie cups or bags at children's parties - kids love them!
As a fun class project for students, have them draw pumpkin faces on blank, orange paper and turn them into pumpkin pins! You could even hold a contest for the most original pumpkin.
Make a spider button by first making a plain black button. Then attach googly eyesto the top of the button and black pipe-cleaner to the sides as legs.
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