Organizations such as the Boy or Girl Scouts, fraternal, non-profit, and other established groups that work together to achieve goals. They can use buttons to raise awareness for their efforts and even to raise funds for themselves.
Recognize children in their respective groups with buttons as rewards for accomplished feats.
Use rubber stamps, stickers, glitter, markers - you name it, and have your group members create buttons or magnets as take-home gifts or, sell them as a fundraiser for a future trip.
Make buttons or simple button crafts such as a thank-you gift to all volunteers who may have donated time to help out your organization at a recent event (i.e., pancake breakfast, bake sale, car wash, etc.).
Raise money for a scholarship fund that your group or organization has by making and selling buttons - buttons cost only pennies and can be sold for $1.00 or more!
Identify yourselves and your group when out and about; pin a button to your baseball cap or shirt. People are sure to take notice!
Publicize upcoming sponsorship of sales, blood drives, and special events such as choir performances or plays by wearing and distributing organization pins in your area.
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