April 2009 Hot Button Winners

Congrats to our
April 2009 Hot Button of the Month Winner!

April's Hot Button of the Month Contest Winner is�Tom Eibling from Dola, OH. Tom's "Good Luck Clovers" buttons feature real 4-to-9-leaf clovers!

Tom drives a local school bus and hands out his clover buttons to the students for good luck and for doing good deeds. "I have found 4-to-9-leaf clovers all of my life," Tom said. "I press and dry them in books for a few months and then add them to my buttons. The green stays for a long time, but they do lighten up after being in the light."

The buttons are very popular with the students and Tom says students often come back years later to tell him they still have their buttons!

The hardest part of making these buttons, according to Tom, is finding the clovers! "I've gone back to clover patches I went to in previous years and can't find any," he said. "But there are more patches. And people around this area know that I can find them!"

As the Hot Button of the Month winner, Tom received a $100 Badge-A-Minit gift certificate.
Now that Spring has sprung, it seems that button makers are taking to the outdoors for ideas! In addition to our Good Luck Clovers Button of the Month, hot air balloons and frogs are featured in some of April's Hot Buttons! This month, we've selected four Hot Buttons from the many that were sent in. As always, it was hard to choose and we wish we could have given many more awards!

Please keep your entries coming in! You could be one of our next winners! Each Hot Button winner receives a coupon for 10% off their next purchase at Badge-A-Minit.com.
John deVries from Los Alamos, NM, is a member of the crew of the hot-air balloon "Lucy" and has been designing a new button for the crew each year since the late 1980s! While the true purpose of the button is for identification, it also gives the crew a sense of comaraderie. "Over the years, the buttons have become very popular and the crew proudly wears them over their hearts or on their hats," said John.
Oh No! Not Another Monday!
Kathi Archer from Kathi's Buttons in Red Oak, IA, nailed our feelings about Mondays exactly! Kathi says she uses these buttons for fun when those Monday blues hit hard - it brings a smile to people's faces.
Ram Art
Raising money for band-related activities is the purpose of this button submitted by Stuart Rowe from Waldorf, MD. McDonough High School has an in-school store that sells the buttons. "This is a great addition to the collection at The Ram's Den (the school store)," said Stuart. "Some students purchase every button that comes out...I've heard that this is a favorite!"
Got Buttons?
Hunter McMahan of Exaggello! Buttons in Clarksville, OH, made this button to promote the business he owns with his grandfather. How could we NOT make it a winner??
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